I can't help but feel a bit disappointed in NASA. When I heard they were firing two rockets at the moon, with the full intentions of actually crashing them right into the moon, two pictures came to mind...

  1. A great big Hollywood style explosion with all the oooos and aaaahs we've come to expect from anything involving crashes from that side of the pond and ...
  2. The full after effect of the "bigger and better culture" we've come to expect from the US. I was anticipating they'd over-cook it and blow a hole right through the moon. OK I exaggerate a bit but I was expecting an "Oh shit" moment when someone realised that they only needed a cardboard box-sized amount of explosives and not a whole car's worth.

Sadly, and potentially thankfully (the aliens won't be too cross with us humans) we didn't get any of what I colourfully imagined and instead all we got was a bit of a damp squib with nothing really to see. How disappointing.

It will be interesting to see if the relatively cheap cost of $79 million was worth it though.