I was mozying around the internet as I do on occassions and found this link for a novel way to hide email addresses from Spam bots. It uses a very simple CSS trick and it's one of those "Why didn't I think of that" ideas.

Basically, you setup the email address on your webpage by entering it right-to-left (eg tfel-ot-thgir) and then use CSS to turn it back into left-to-right text when it is displayed to a browser.

This is quite a cool trick which will certainly provide a false email address to spambots, however it won't take long for spambots to start acting like browsers and actually apply the CSS before they scout for email addresses on a page.

It also has the disadvantage in that it takes a bit longer to type an email address backwards. I think I'll stick to the phonetic way of presenting my email address: see oh el at lildude dot co dot uk, or just not placing it on a page :-)