Look what Claire and I are getting this summer...

A Baby

Yes. We're having a baby!!! And we're going to be parents again!!!

We've been a little late announcing the news as our initial 12 week scan didn't quite go to plan. During the scan the consultant (we're with a fœtal cardiac consultant following Lara's complications) pointed out that the nuchal lucency was higher than the 95th percentile. This means there is an increased chance of the baby having a chromosomal defect or congenital heart defect. As you can expect, this was quite a blow for what was meant to be a happy and exciting day. Having been through something similar with Lara, with the exception that her nuchal lucency was normal, we instantly agreed to chorionic villus sampling to rule out any chromosomal issues.

Well, we got those results this week and thankfully, there is no evidence of a chromosomal defect. A huge weight shifted off our minds and we decided to tell the world. We're not 100% in the clear just yet as there is still a small chance of there being a congenital heart defect or even possibly congenital lymphedema, however we'll only find out if we've got such bad luck again in a later scan.

For the moment, we're in the category of "most babies with a high nuchal lucency measurement are perfectly normal". Another thing that has helped put our minds to rest is Elizabeth also had a high nuchal lucency measurement and she's a wonderful and perfectly healthy little girl.

So holding thumbs everything pans out well and we get our little family addition later this summer.

Update: Sadly, we're not getting one of these just yet. Lets just say complications and leave it at that.