Yup, you've read the title correctly: Buck the trend and buy shares now. Warren Buffet, one of the worlds most successful investors is, and I agree with his thinking:

A simple rule dictates my buying: Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful.

I mentioned about this time last month that then was a good time to bung you money in a stocks and shares ISA, and I've not change my mind. In fact you will be down on your investment at the moment had you invested when I suggested as the markets have taken a beating recently, however in the long run things can only get better, and shares are looking more and more attractive now when you consider things can only get better. The advantage you have as an investor now is you've seen where the prices can go, and given the historical movement of the markets over the long run, you can almost be certain they'll head back that way in the future.

There's an interesting article by Warren Buffet himself in the New York Times explaining why he's buying American right now whilst the world and his dog are panicking and selling like crazy.

There is one thing to keep in mind, and this is very important: only attempt this if you're in a comfortable position and not planning on retiring on the profits in the next few years. Don't go spending your mortgage on stocks: your mortgage needs to be paid now, and you're only likely to get returns on your investments in at least 5 - 10 year's time.