Goodbye Wordpress, Hello Habari and the New
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you the latest and greatest design on this site...
It's taken me the best part of a year to get all my soldiers in a row ready for me to go live this weekend, and so far so good. The migration from Wordpress to Habari went beautifully well and the only problems I've had are due to my own code - my archives code doesn't scale well so I'm implemented a basic archive and it's back to the drawing board for something more creative.
I'll write up a full technical report of my migration from Wordpress to Habari on my tech site sometime in the coming weeks.
Please take your time to browser around and dabble and go "Oooooh. Aaaaah." If you encounter any problems, please let me know. Just one word of caution: I've NOT tested with Microsoft's Internet Explorer at all. If something looks terrible or isn't working well, please try again using a browser that's known to actually obey the standards, like Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome or Opera, before reporting your problems.
I'll now spend the next few days/weeks fine tuning things and optimizing things further. I know of several places I've held off optimizing until I was happy with the basic code.
Update: I've now detailed my migration process. Check it out