The Mighty BooshLast night, whilst waiting for the re-run of Wednesday's Heroes (brilliant TV series) episode, I encountered The Mighty Boosh on BBC 3 for the first time. Well, encountered probably isn't the right word, I've heard about it before, but never actually watched a full episode from start to finish.

Now I have, I'm not sure if I need to add it to my list of regular viewing or not. It's very different, strange and weird, but yet still cleverly filmed, produced and it actually seems to flow and have a sort of story.

Some of the stuff in last night's show was funny, but I'm still not sure if that was genuine humour, or me just laughing and how insanely weird it is. I think I may need to watch a couple more episodes before I make a final decision.

One thing I am sure about is Julian Barratt and Noel Fielding have very vivid imaginations.